Inkpot Delmore Brothers
Delmore Brothers' guest book

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Inkpot Delmore Brothers SIGN Debby Delmore's message Wanda Raney's message

Steve Bellis a écrit le 28/10/2017 à 12h02 :
Such an informative and attractive site .
As a longstanding Delmore Brothers fan I have found it consistently helpful, especially when I suspect that session details are incorrect on the cds I buy!
All the best ,
Steven Bellis

Santoka a écrit le 27/06/2017 à 21h01 :
Very happy to've discovered this site. It's a labor of love, and I'm glad to see these talented brothers remembered in this way, when so much has been forgotten. Keep up the good work!

JD a écrit le 03/05/2016 à 00h46 :
Thank you for providing this site and recognition of this great American music that provided the basis for, or added to, the coming of country, blues, rockabilly, and rock and roll. My band covers Blues Stay Away From Me and we always mention the GREAT Delmore Bros when introducing it. Musicians and audiences alike will play and love this music when we are long gone, and there can be no greater tribute to musicians life work than leaving that kind of legacy.

MArnander a écrit le 18/04/2016 à 21h25 :
The missus went to a local charity shop in Norwich, Norfolk, England and came back with "The Best of The Delmore Brothers" LP - an impulse buy. Not stopped playing it since. Didn't take long to find this site and am suitably awed and humbled in both measures. How could I have gone 50 odd years and not come across such fantastic music before. Mr Nicolas, I salute you for your labour of love - Miss Delmore I honour you for keeping the flame alive and Delmore brothers - I thank you for the music. I go to bed tonight in a better state and place than when I awoke this morning. A good day!

Pseudo a écrit le 23/01/2016 à 02h42 :
nice,and fun to read about,being from Decatur Al. they knew folks from here and sing w/family,bought a giutar from yard sale,might have played.Black elc.

Dovie Hayes

Older Country Music Fan a écrit le 09/01/2016 à 02h48 :
An extremely informative site - very thoughtfully - and, obviously, very lovingly - put together. I enjoyed viewing it very much!

Guitar Boogie a écrit le 30/01/2015 à 16h28 :
my ex-girlfriends dad used to sing guitar boogie with lyrics. I believe the Delmore Bros. added lyrics to this song and I want to fond out if they are the same

My e-mail is I'd love to hear from you about this as I couldn't find anything on your website

travisvenuti a écrit le 19/11/2014 à 04h55 :
Thank you for this website! As a life long fan of the Delmore Brothers, it should help spread the wonderful music of Alton and Rabon!

Dean H a écrit le 18/07/2014 à 21h53 :
This website is awesome! Thank you for putting together such a wonderful resource.

Tea Bag a écrit le 01/07/2014 à 23h17 :
This is the best looking site that I've ever seen.

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