Inkpot Delmore Brothers
Delmore Brothers' guest book

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Inkpot Delmore Brothers SIGN Debby Delmore's message Wanda Raney's message

Imperial a écrit le 10/04/2014 à 19h05 :
Howdy, Thanks for that fabulous work about the Delmore Brothers and Wayne Raney.A huge and impressive labor of love that show a deep appreciation for them musical work and legacy. Once again the tribute came not from USA but from France. What a great collection of pictures, records and vintage books to enjoy. If music is a gift of God that site is definitively a real friendly gift from you. If needed, a stroll here will help to have the blues staying away from me. Keep the camp fires burning.

jerry a écrit le 02/03/2014 à 12h41 :
Ton œuvre est simplement fantastique. Je n'ai jamais vu un tel hommage à un chanteur ou un groupe. Les Delmore Brothers, qui ont influencé un nombre important d'artistes majeures, sont aujourd'hui si peu connus, Aujourd'hui tu les mets en lumière de bien belle manière, merci.
Jerry (ex éditeur de Get Rhythm)

Debro a écrit le 05/11/2013 à 15h03 :
Awesome site !!

HillbillyMan a écrit le 12/09/2013 à 23h43 :
Magnifique site, un grand merci !

Robert a écrit le 31/05/2013 à 17h33 :
My name is Robert Montgomery. I'm from Moulton, Alabama, about an hour south of where the Delmores were from, and wanted to write and compliment you and thank you for your website. I have been a huge Delmore Brothers fan since I was a little boy over 20 years ago, and I also play music myself and try to keep some of the Delmore music and name alive everywhere I go throughout the country. I have never seen such a thoroughly researched discography on the Delmores, and it was badly needed.
Thanks for sharing all of your hard work.

Pierre a écrit le 06/05/2013 à 13h03 :
Le site le plus complet sur les Delmore (et très beau en plus). Merci à l'auteur !

bopping a écrit le 16/04/2013 à 08h18 :
Site fantastique! Merci!

imitation, false a écrit le 13/04/2013 à 01h54 :
Amazing website. Such extensive and useful information about the Delmore Brothers. They deserve far more recognition these days, and your site should help immensely.
-Phillip Wells

Jamie a écrit le 30/03/2013 à 09h03 :
I had downloaded a radio program of The Demore Brothers at, but the site didn't have any dates for the program. Using your site and the offers for their Sacred Song book, I at least have an idea when this broadcast was from - around 1948. Wayne Raney is also on this broadcast.

joe a écrit le 29/03/2013 à 21h18 :
je vous remercie de rendre hommage a ce grand duo d'exception

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